Arte y Cultura — Artist Selection

Artist Selection took place during January 2025

We are asking YOU, our community, to select the artist to lead workshops and the mural installation by July 2025.

We received 19 submissions and selected 3 artists based on artistic originality (to ensure Berwyn’s Murals are unique and diverse), experience with community involvement, bilingual ability, and a local connection. Project Background & Grant Information

Donate to this Project

Le pedimos a USTED, nuestra comunidad, para seleccionar el artista para dirigir talleres y la instalación del mural en julio de 2025.

Recibimos 19 propuestas y seleccionamos a 3 artistas basándonos en la originalidad artística (para garantizar que los murales de Berwyn sean únicos y diversos), la experiencia con la participación de la comunidad, la capacidad bilingüe y una conexión local. Antecedentes del proyecto e información sobre la subvención

Donar a este proyecto

Artist Finalists — Review and Cast your Vote
Artistas finalistas — Revise y emita su voto

Images illustrate each artist’s style. The final selected artists will create a unique design based on community input.
Las imágenes ilustran el estilo de cada artista. Los artistas finalmente seleccionados crearán un diseño único basado en las aportaciones de la comunidad.

#LatinoHeritage #ArteYCultura #PublicArt #BerwynCommunity #LatinxArt #CallForArtists #nothinglikeasurburb

Proposed Mural Location

We are excited to partner with the North Berwyn Park District (NBPD), on the mural location, community workshops, and raising additional funds to realize this exciting project.

To date the Berwyn Public Art Initiative (BPAI) received a @ComEd and @LoCTindustry Powering the Arts Program grant #PoweringtheArts2024 and the Berwyn Development Corporation Philanthropic Reimbursement Grant @whyberwyn, to fund "Arte y Cultura" a community-driven mural project in 2025.
Berwyn Public Art Initiative (BPAI) received a @ComEd and @LoCTindustry Powering the Arts Program grant #PoweringtheArts2024 and the Berwyn Development Corporation Philanthropic Grant @whyberwyn, to fund "Arte y Cultura" a community-driven mural project in 2025.